FEB Unud Opens International Cooperation Opportunities with Kasem Bundit University Romklao Campus

Faculty of Economics and Business Udayana University (FEB Unud), in an effort to expand its international cooperation network, held an audience with Kasem Bundit University (KBU) Romklao Campus, Kasem Nakara, Thailand, on Friday, September 15, 2023. The audience was attended by representatives from FEB Unud, the Coordinator of the Master of Management Study Program, Dr. Ica Rika Candraningrat, S.E., M.M., and the Head of the International Affairs Team, I Gede Nandya Oktora P, S.E., MBA, CRA, CRP. KBU's Vice President for Planning and Development, Suwat Suwandee, Ph.D., and Assistant to the President for International Affairs, Ms. Sasithorn Suwandee, were warmly welcomed.

The main purpose of this meeting was to explore opportunities for mutually beneficial international cooperation between FEB Unud and KBU Romklao Campus. In this activity, FEB Unud and Bundit University Romklao Campus discussed opportunities for cooperation at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, especially for the GEP program: regular student exchange, company visit, campus visit, short course, and international internship. This offline audience highlighted various programs that might be run as part of this collaboration, especially in the context of student exchange programs. In an atmosphere of lively discussion, the hope is that the two institutions can jointly reach the best agreement that will support the improvement of educational quality and strengthen international cooperation in the future.

Not only limited to hearings, the KBU Romklao Campus also provided an opportunity for representatives of FEB Unud to explore campus facilities and gain a deeper understanding of the situation and conditions that exist at the KBU Romklao Campus. This meeting is a very important first step in a joint effort to implement cooperation that will bring maximum benefits by utilizing the potential, expertise, and facilities owned by each party in order to realize strong and sustainable international cooperation.