The Undergraduate Management Study Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University (https://manajemen.unud.ac.id/) held a Dissemination of Teaching Assignments and Discussion of the Learning Process for the Even Semester 2022-2023 on Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at the MM Building Lt. 3 Faculty of Economics and Business, Udayana University which took place at 11.00 - 14.00 WITA. This activity was guided by the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Management Study Program, Mr. Dr. I Made Artha Wibawa, S.E., M.M., who discussed the Even Semester Teaching and Learning Process, Socialization of Curriculum, RPS, RTM, and Syllabus in 2022, Socialization of MBKM Implementation in 2023, and Lecturer Retirement in 2023.

In this Learning Task Dissemination activity, it was also discussed about POK Absorption, the total number of students in the green, orange, red zones and the number of active lecturers in the Undergraduate Management Study Program. In addition, there is an explanation of lecture activities for 2020 batch students who take MB-KM will take TKUP courses full online. Koprodi Sarjana Manajemen FEB uni also explained the participation of FEB Undergraduate Study Program students in the MB-KM Program in period 4. A total of 235 students applied for MB-KM class 4 with details of 71 students accepted by the Ministry of MBKM (Teaching Campus, MSIB), 111 students are in the process of validating files and as many as 54 students applied for independent MBKM. Because in this semester quite a lot of students applied for MB-KM and it was feared that there would be many empty classes, the Class Redistribution system was implemented.


This year, there is a LUCY system where lecturers no longer make RPS, RTM and lecture syllabus manually but will be compiled using an integrated system. Also conveyed were several activities of the Undergraduate Management Study Program, including the Socialization of Student Competition Participation, Outstanding Students, Management Intense Coaching Entrepreneurship (MJ ICE), Revision of RPS, RTM, Syllabus (Including GEP), FIBAA Accreditation, and Student Tracer Study - Bachelor Thesis Supervisor. The last discussion was about the 5 After Service Lecturers of the Undergraduate Management Study Program. The Dissemination of Teaching Assignments and Discussion of the Learning Process of the Undergraduate Management Study Program was closed with a discussion session and group photo.